Let's Talk!

Who We Are

Who We Are

At Staff CX, we love solv­ing peo­ple prob­lems. But not just with any solu­tion. We give our clients the pow­er to cre­ate an incred­i­ble cus­tomer expe­ri­ence with call cen­ter staffing solu­tions that are dri­ven by your unique orga­ni­za­tion­al needs.

Led by a team that has exten­sive expe­ri­ence in con­tact cen­ter devel­op­ment and busi­ness process out­sourc­ing, Staff CX under­stands that cus­tomer ser­vice excel­lence is the key to long-term orga­ni­za­tion­al suc­cess and sus­tained growth. With over 30 years of ded­i­cat­ed expe­ri­ence in launch­ing, grow­ing, man­ag­ing, and hir­ing for con­tact cen­ter orga­ni­za­tions, our exper­tise in the indus­try shines through in every­thing we do. Our founder has suc­cess­ful­ly placed over 25,000 top-qual­i­ty cus­tomer ser­vice and sales can­di­dates glob­al­ly, rang­ing from entry-lev­el call cen­ter jobs to exec­u­tive-lev­el lead­ers, and his lead­er­ship inspires the same pas­sion from every team mem­ber at Staff CX.

Our staffing approach is all about peo­ple, mak­ing con­nec­tions, and find­ing the right tal­ent for the right roles. We strive to deliv­er ser­vice that goes the extra mile, with inno­v­a­tive and cus­tomized staff aug­men­ta­tion solu­tions for con­tact cen­ter com­pa­nies and cus­tomer ser­vice establishments. 

We help build front-fac­ing cus­tomer ser­vice teams that can adapt and respond to the evo­lu­tion of con­sumer expec­ta­tions, while meet­ing the sky­rock­et­ing demands of the glob­al­ized busi­ness mar­ket­place. We are dri­ven by integri­ty and hon­esty, and we work with effi­cien­cy, trans­paren­cy, and open com­mu­ni­ca­tion dur­ing every stage of the call cen­ter staffing process.

Our Mission

Our mis­sion is to dis­rupt the indus­try with our inno­v­a­tive cus­tomer ser­vice staffing approach that deliv­ers incred­i­ble cus­tomer expe­ri­ences, every time. With our pro­pri­etary tal­ent acqui­si­tion strate­gies that are designed to attract and retain top tal­ent, we help our client orga­ni­za­tions effec­tive­ly scale growth and lever­age oppor­tu­ni­ties for glob­al expansion.