Let's Talk!

Volume Recruitment

When you need to hire for hun­dreds of call cen­ter jobs with speed and effi­cien­cy, our high-vol­ume recruit­ment ser­vices will help you assem­ble top-notch con­tact cen­ter teams that are pas­sion­ate about ele­vat­ing the cus­tomer experience.

Staff CX will elim­i­nate the most cum­ber­some part of the recruit­ing process, as we post your open posi­tions, sort through the appli­cants, and paper screen top can­di­dates for edu­ca­tion, back­ground, and rel­e­vant job expe­ri­ence. We’ll present you with only the top 10% of qual­i­fied call cen­ter can­di­dates, so that you can save time and focus your atten­tion on inter­view­ing only top-notch tal­ent. The best call cen­ter asso­ciates make each cus­tomer feel heard, val­ued, and engaged, and with Staff CX’s high-vol­ume recruit­ing solu­tions, you’ll be one step clos­er to assem­bling your dream team.

To reduce hir­ing costs by up to 50% with effi­cient call cen­ter staffing that hits the mark every time, trust the team of expe­ri­enced high-vol­ume recruiters at Staff CX. We’ll find the right can­di­dates who will be a long-term fit for the future of your organization.

Contact Us Today

What­ev­er your recruit­ment needs are, we have the solu­tion! Staff CX will help you find the best call cen­ter asso­ciates, man­agers, and exec­u­tives who deliv­er the incred­i­ble cus­tomer expe­ri­ence your clients deserve.