Let's Talk!

We Care

Staff CX, we not only care and value our people and customers. We also support the community where we are based and the organizations, we are passionate about.

But why? At face val­ue, there doesn’t seem to be a com­mon thread between staffing and job recruit­ment cen­ters and no-kill non­prof­it pet res­cues. So why does Staff CX choose to sup­port this cause?

The truth is that our pas­sion for pets came from per­son­al experience.

Not know­ing about shel­ters and res­cue orga­ni­za­tions, Staff CX CEO Arman­do acquired an adorable, frisky, and lov­ing pup­py from a breed­er as a gift for his wife. She named the him Tofu and began to raise him. While he was full of ener­gy and loved to play with his new fam­i­ly, they quick­ly real­ized that some­thing wasn’t quite right with Tofu. He nev­er seemed to respond to his name or any ver­bal com­mands. Believ­ing it to be a train­ing issue, they tried dif­fer­ent strate­gies to cor­rect the behav­ior, but noth­ing worked. So, they took him to their local vet­eri­nar­i­an, who dis­cov­ered that Tofu was deaf in both ears.

Arman­do reached out to the breed­er he pur­chased Tofu from, only for the breed­er to offer to replace the dog. This came as a bit of a shock to both Arman­do and his wife. Tofu was a beloved fam­i­ly mem­ber, even after only hav­ing him for a few months, and they had no inten­tion of replac­ing him. It was through this expe­ri­ence that they learned that many breed­ers euth­a­nize dogs with dis­abil­i­ties such as being deaf. While that par­tic­u­lar num­ber is unknown, it is a known sta­tis­tic that 670,000 dogs are euth­a­nized each and every year.

The idea that Tofu could have been euth­a­nized as a pup­py had the breed­er known about his con­di­tion pri­or to adopt­ing him out was dev­as­tat­ing to Arman­do and his fam­i­ly. And it’s for this rea­son that Arman­do, his fam­i­ly, and the entire­ty of Staff CX is com­mit­ted to res­cu­ing one dog or cat for each CX pro­fes­sion­al that they hire.

For­tu­nate­ly, the end of Tofu’s sto­ry is a hap­py one. The fam­i­ly learned to com­mu­ni­cate with him via sign lan­guage, hand ges­tures, and he can read facial expres­sions. He remains a hap­py, live­ly, and play­ful dog that you can fre­quent­ly catch him “smil­ing” at you. (He even dri­ves!!) The Cas­tro fam­i­ly is thrilled to have him as part of their fam­i­ly and couldn’t imag­ine life with­out their lov­able Tofu.

To know more about this part­ner­ship, or to con­tribute to this cause, we encour­age you to vis­it their website.