Let's Talk!

Recruitment Process Outsourcing

With our effi­cient RPO solu­tions, you can skip the months of search­ing, screen­ing, sift­ing through resumes, and con­duct­ing round after round of can­di­date inter­views. We will work direct­ly with your hir­ing man­ag­er or in-house recruit­ing team to ensure an in-depth under­stand­ing of your staffing gaps and will imme­di­ate­ly get to work on find­ing the right tal­ent to keep up with your fast-paced growth.

As your com­pa­ny goes glob­al or enters emerg­ing mar­kets, we’ll help you scale your work­force and opti­mize recruit­ment oper­a­tions so that your team can focus your atten­tion on core inter­nal process­es. We’ll post your jobs, paper screen your can­di­dates, and present only the top can­di­dates with the tal­ent and skillsets to pro­vide a per­fect match. What could take you months, Staff CX can do in just days.

As we alle­vi­ate your inter­nal recruit­ing bur­den and reduce your hir­ing costs, we’ll also col­lab­o­rate with your recruit­ing team to ensure you are receiv­ing the opti­mal lev­el of hir­ing sup­port. When you trust our posi­tion as a top recruit­ment process out­sourc­ing com­pa­ny, the result will be an adap­tive, agile, and flex­i­ble work­force that helps you main­tain a com­pet­i­tive edge in the con­tact cen­ter oper­a­tions industry.

Contact Us Today

What­ev­er your recruit­ment needs are, we have the solu­tion! Staff CX will help you find the best call cen­ter asso­ciates, man­agers, and exec­u­tives who deliv­er the incred­i­ble cus­tomer expe­ri­ence your clients deserve.