Let's Talk!


Posted on April 5, 2021
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1. The importance of human interaction

This is something we took for granted. Ever since the pandemic happened, most of us realized how essential social connection is. With the stay-at-home measures and work-from-home situation still in effect, almost everyone craves human connection more than ever. The lack of socializing can be mentally challenging but lucky for us, videoconferencing tools have been extremely helpful in catching up with friends, colleagues, and far-away family members.

2. Prioritizing your mental health above everything else

With the pandemic disrupting our daily routines such as going to work, heading to the gym, hanging out with friends, and the like, took a serious mental toll on us. That uncomfortable feeling of not being in control caused so much stress and anxiety. Although some may have taken this time to stay productive by trying out new things, here’s a gentle reminder that it’s okay to take a break. You don’t have to stay on top of everything just because other people are. Making sure your needs are met and keeping yourself safe should be the number one priority.

3. The real definition of workforce productivity

What was once a dream is now a reality. Looks like work from home set-up is here to stay. Studies show that employees tend to be more productive at home than in a physical office. This new work norm had employers rethink their work schedules, now being more considerate in flexible working hours. A big plus for employers is the chunk of savings they were able to make now that almost everyone is working at the comforts of their home.

4. Investing in the right technology

Covid-19 created an unprecedented demand and has definitely pushed businesses to fast-track their technology. The rise of online shopping and digital and contactless payments has changed how most companies do business. Lucky for those who were quick to adapt to the changes but not for those who didn’t. To stay in the game, businesses had to rethink new strategies and invest in advanced technologies.

5. We are all dispensable

A lesson learned the hard way. It’s no secret that several industries had a challenging time coping up with the sudden market shift. Most businesses had no other choice but to let go of some of their employees causing a shocking increase in the unemployment rate. Employers had to retain those who they think can adapt and thrive to certain corporate situations. The hiring process had also been difficult since employers have been selective on who to hire as well. This has pushed everyone to step up their game by enrolling in online classes to expand their skill sets.