Let's Talk!

Building a Remote Team

Posted on February 23, 2021
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Hire people that are hungry to learn

“’ Remember that a company is only as good as its people.”

One of the most crucial parts of a business is hiring the right employees. One quality you should always look for is HUNGER. Passionate workers are always seeking growth. These individuals are always welcoming opportunities, big or small.

Upskilling: Invest in your employees

“Nurture them and allow them to grow”






We cannot stress this enough. Invest in your employees. Buy online courses and share them with your employees. Email them insightful articles, good books, and industry trends. Simply learn together and loop them deeper into the business.

Quality VS Quantity: Focus on results. Do not micromanage

“Give them authority and a sense of responsibility”

Let’s be honest. Nobody likes being controlled, especially your employees. Give them room to breathe and grow. Freedom to choose how they do their job, as well as when and where, is one of the critical factors of a fulfilling career. Stop implementing strict attendance rules that track their every move. As long as they meet deadlines, get the job done, and most importantly, deliver, you should be happy. Employees are not robots. They want to be trusted.

Develop fair and open communication

“Make them feel they have a great impact not only on your company but the society as well.”

Just like any other relationship, your relationship with your employees depends on how good your communication is as a team. Create group chats for both work and outside work. Exchange memes, funny videos, or even cheesy motivational quotes. Remember, everyone’s going through a hard time. Don’t miss that human connection, even if everyone’s working remotely.