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Need a Health Boost? Include these Superfoods in your Diet today

Posted on January 22, 2022
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Are you making significant business decisions? Include these foods in your everyday diet to maintain mental sharpness.

The majority of entrepreneurs are accustomed to working long days and maintaining a demanding schedule. However, if you want to make sound business judgments, what you put in your body is almost as important as how many hours you put in at the office.


While no single item — not even a superfood — can provide us with all of the nutrition, health benefits, and energy we require to survive, The US Dietary Guidelines for 2015–2020 promote healthy eating patterns that “combine healthy choices from all food groups — while remaining mindful of calorie restrictions.”

However, a few meals deserve special notice. These “superfoods” include critical elements that can boost the nutritional content of your meals and snacks and help you maintain a healthy eating pattern. While these foods will not make you smarter, they will help you stay alert and think clearly—especially after 12 hours at your desk.

Bananas and Peanut butter

These two provide the optimal amount of energy both now and afterward. Bananas are one of the most flawless fruits found in nature. Potassium-rich, it can deliver an energy boost during exercise. When combined with peanut butter, the banana provides additional energy. This heart-healthy fat requires more time to digest and converts to more sustained energy.

This prolonged digesting process maintains a steady blood sugar level, providing you with the necessary energy boost!


This treat is high in flavanol antioxidants, which help to enhance blood flow to the brain, so assisting in the protection of brain cells. However, the cacao percentage is critical—the darker the chocolate, the better. After lunch, treat yourself to a small square of dark chocolate for an afternoon boost.


This vegetarian and vegan-friendly form of Omega 3 is ideal for vegetarians and vegans. Not only can flax boost cognitive performance, but it also aids in inflammation reduction and circulation improvement. Additionally, flax aids with cholesterol reduction and blood sugar regulation, making it an excellent supplement to add in any diet. Add a tablespoon of ground flax seeds or flax oil to smoothies or salad dressings.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are one of nature’s perfect carbs and are consumed worldwide. They deliver easily digested carbs throughout your body and brain since they are high in fiber and nutrients such as vitamins A and C, magnesium, and iron. Sweet potatoes contain a high fiber content, which delays digestion and provides a steady supply of fuel — and energy — to your body.

Sweet potatoes are high in potassium, which is necessary for electrolyte (salt) balance during physical activity. Additionally, it has a naturally sweet flavor – and contains no added sugar! 


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