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Pandemic-proof your Business

Posted on April 5, 2021
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For almost a year, we’ve been dropped with so far, the biggest plot twist of our lives. Businesses are still continuously striving to survive until who knows when. As much as we’d like Covid-19 to pack its bags and be thrown into a black hole, nobody really has the answer to when this nightmare will end. Due to this pandemic, however, businesses have somehow learned to adjust to what we call the “new normal”. The disruption it created caused business owners to rethink and reassess how they do business. And who knows how many more pandemics are coming? Here we’ve listed down few ways on how your business can win against any pandemic:


The pandemic has put pressure on business owners to make decisions quicker than ever. Business agility basically means how quickly your business responds to the rapidly changing market. Deciding on your next steps is crucial and has to be innovative and sustainable. Changes such as revising processes into more efficient and less time-consuming ones sound scary at first but will be helpful in the long run.


Some of you might be thinking “WHAT? Innovate during this time? Do we even have time for that?” Well, why not? You cannot just sit and wait for this pandemic to end and expect your business to be all “business as usual”. For every dilemma, there’s a NEED to be addressed. All the more the perfect time to seek new opportunities on how to make your business or brand relevant to your customers. Take this time to really hear out what your customers need. Hard-selling won’t do the trick. You’ll be surprised to find a lot more ideas to pop in once you actually start listening.


It’s surprising how a lot of businesses are stuck with traditional business processes. Yes, updated technologies can be a bit too overwhelming but they will surely benefit your company in the long run. Now that remote work’s here to stay, investing in a more digital way of doing business such as using online communication tools namely Skype, MS Teams, Zoom and the like will help your team transition to a new way of teamwork and effective communication. For retail industries, opt for e-commerce platforms if you don’t have one yet. Be present where your customers are which is clearly ONLINE.


Your people is your greatest asset. In times of uncertainty, talk to them and let them know where they stand, and explain where the company is heading. You don’t want them feeling clueless and worthless in this already messed u situation. Empower them so they can thrive and deliver great outputs. Make them feel they are needed but also think of their safety as well. Give them a voice and hear them out. You might actually be able to pick up something from them that’s viable for the business.