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Top Skills that will get you Employed in 2022

Posted on January 18, 2022
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Starting a new job for this year? Looking forward to a new job opportunity that will not only boost your career growth but also allow you to turn more into your best self? Then here are the top skills you need to have mastered by now to guarantee you your best options in the future.


While this is beneficial in establishing healthy and productive relationships, this skill also helps in the acquisition of ideas, insights, knowledge, and information. This may be essential in moving forward from a situation or getting out of a predicament.


This skill is ultimately defined by Oxford Languages as the detailed coordination of complex operations that involve the transport, movement, housing, and supplying of resources, facilities, and people. By its definition, mastering logistics comes with improved earning potential and overall employability. This is because learning how to manage your resources and properly allocate them allows you the best options in any situation.


This skill involves the evaluation of situations and the capacity to initiate a decision that leads to a solution. Noted as one of the most desirable soft skills in any company, the initiative also sets you apart from the group, thus highlighting you as a potential team player or leader.

Strategic Thinking

While spontaneity comes with its benefits, this skill proves how learning from patterns, trends, and past experiences can better guide your decision-making process. The rapidly changing market may demand new approaches and strategies, but so much of the dynamic still relies on the concepts we are already acquainted with. That said, being able to plan and strategize helps you adapt and make better choices that match the demands of the times.


This skill won’t only guarantee that you get what you’re aiming for, but this also serves as proof that you are also aware of what others need to progress. It helps in resolving conflict since it helps determine the difference between loss and a beneficial compromise. By mastering this skill, you can put your potential to use with the best people at a secured spot.

During a time when attrition and employee turnover rates are high, you may find yourself having a difficult time getting your foot at the door. This is where we come in.


At StaffCX, we help our clients get the best talents that match their company’s competency level and values. So if you’ve got the qualifications and skills that can steer you towards the company you want, then consult with us today.

If you’re a company looking to hire people with listening, logistics, initiative, strategic thinking,

and negotiation skills, feel free to schedule a call with us.
